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CEL: MasterDetail Prompt - No Page Refresh

ABSTRACT (by Federico Levis ) Category: CEL

Cognos Extension Library (CEL) Feature: Master-Detail Prompt with very quick Update (no page -refresh) and various options (Range, Tips,...)

Prerequisite: Cognos Extension Library (CEL) is installed and included in your Report

1. Features

  • Very quick Update of Detail when Master is changed (done by JS). No Page refresh is done as in standard Cognos implementation, requiring Cascade and Auto-Submit

  • All possible cases supported (CheckBox, DropDown, Multi/Single selection,..)

Example1: Master and Detail= CheckBox List Multiple

Example2: Master= DropDown Single Detail = List Multiple

Various Optional Features:

  • [Min...Max] Range with Validation

Example: Validation Warning with [1..100] Range

  • TextTip automatically updated when selection changes

Case a) 0 selected, not in ValidRange

Caseb) 2 selected, ValidRange

  • ImageTip showing Long Text Tip or HTML Tip:

Case a) "Long Text Tip"

Case b) HTML Tip

2. Steps to add this Feature to Your Report

Following steps are general and valid for all cases; we will simply show here all the code required to implement the CEL Solution Example1 of the Video in the Top of this Post:

  • In your Report enclose the Block with your Master Detail prompts in a Span with the Id that will identify your MasterDetail CEL Object. e.g id="blockFilterCity"

<Your Standard Cognos ValuePrompts>

  • Insert an HTML Item to include the JS of this Report. e.g:

<html> <body> <script language="javascript" src="/ibmcognos/ext/samples/MySql/sample01.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> sample01_init(); </script> </body></html>

  • in sample01.js Create/Set cFilterCity MasterDetail Object using CEL JS API:

var cFilterCity = Object;

function sample01_init() { setOKFnValidate (sample01_validate); // Set Validate Function // Create FilterCity MasterDetail, bMasterRequired = false var cFilterCity = new cMasterDetail('FilterCity',false); // Set Valid Range cFilterCity.setSelRange(I_PROMPT_MASTER,0,10); cFilterCity.setSelRange(I_PROMPT_DETAIL,1,100); // create an AutoUpdate tipTxt for Master and Detail cFilterCity.tipTxtCreate(I_PROMPT_MASTER,true); cFilterCity.tipTxtCreate(I_PROMPT_DETAIL,true); } function sample01_validate() { return cFilterCity.validate(); }

  • That's all: now CEL will automatically take care of everything!

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