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RS Cognos Extension Library (CEL)


All Cognos BI  Version (e.g. from Ver  8.4  to 11)  and the relative Supported Browsers like IE, Firefox

For Details see IBM Compatibility Page  (e.g for 10.2.1:  Cognos 10.2.1 Supported Environment )


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This Library can be easilly installed to add new features to Cognos Report Studio, like:

  • Table Sort by Clicking List Header

  • Master Detail Prompts, with Range, Tooltips

  • Advanced Tooltips

  • Show/Hide Filter Section also in Page1 (not only in Pompt Page)

  • Prompts for Layout (Table, Chart, Both) ChartSize, ChartType, ...

  • JS trace Window to help debugging JS

  • .........


CEL is composed by:

1) CEL:   RS container of the CEL Layout Components objects. Only Layout Objects, No connection to DataSource is Required

2) cel JS directory:  JS Function/Classes for the objects of CEL cognos extension lib. 

  • All the JS API code is commented and well described.

  • jslog can be enabled to log cel API

  • Some cel js contain generic JS API that can be used also outside of Cognos environment (e.g. jslog)

3) SAMPLES: many RS examples of CEL use

4) DOC: documentation  (.docx) with cel API help and description of SAMPLES


1) Import in your Cognos ContentStore (copy it into Cognos deployment dir and install it). It contains CEL Layout Objects and CEl Samples


2) unzip JS directory into  cognos webcontent directory


3) [Optional] If required by your configuration (e.g Apache WebServer in Unix Cognos Server Installation), add to your WebServer Configuration the ibmcognos alias  to enable access to cognos webcontent directory.

E.g for Apache with Cognos 10 installed into Unix Server:


Alias /ibmcognos "c:/Program Files (x86)/ibm/cognos/c10/webcontent"                
<Directory "c:/Program Files (x86)/ibm/cognos/c10/webcontent">
   Options None
   AllowOverride None
   Order Allow,Deny
   Allow from All



4) contains the documentation:  for example If you want to try the SAMPLES, follow the instruction of documentation


To use CEL Feature you have to:

1) Insert a Component Reference to the common "cel JS" CEL object, that will load the required CEL JS

2) If required for the feature, insert into your Report the relative Component Reference the CEL Objects, or copy it. For example for the Sort feature you have to simple use the CEL object blockSortTbl

3) Add an HTML Item with the reference your specific JS file, where you will call the required CEL JS APIs

See for example CEL: Master Detail Prompt Post

Example of CEL Layout Components  inserted as Component Reference


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