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Configure Apache Web Server for Cognos

ABSTRACT (by Federico Levis ) Category: install

Install and configure Apache Web Server for Cognos

1. Install Apache

2. Configure Apache for Cognos

Edit Apache htppd.conf (e.g. c:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\httpd.conf)

  • add the ScriptAlias for your Cognos URL:

e.g we will use the URL http://localhost/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi For Cognos Content Store, therefore we will add into hhtpd.conf following section:

#ScriptAlias for Cognos URL http://localhost/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi ScriptAlias /ibmcognos/cgi-bin "c:/Program Files (x86)/ibm/cognos/c10/cgi-bin/" <Directory "c:/Program Files (x86)/ibm/cognos/c10/cgi-bin/"> AllowOverride None Options None Order Allow,Deny Allow from All </Directory>

  • add Alias section only if you are using Custom JS. E.g we will install custom Cognos custom JS into c:/Program Files (x86)/ibm/cognos/c10/webcontent/test, therefore we will add following section:

Alias /ibmcognos "c:/Program Files (x86)/ibm/cognos/c10/webcontent" <Directory "c:/Program Files (x86)/ibm/cognos/c10/webcontent"> Options None AllowOverride None Order Allow,Deny Allow from All </Directory>

This Alias Section will alow us to access c:/Program Files (x86)/ibm/cognos/c10/webcontent/test/custom.js from ReportStudio with and HTL Item containing: <script language="javascript" src="/ibmcognos/test/custom.js"></script>

because ibmcognos will be translated into c:/Program Files (x86)/ibm/cognos/c10/webcontent

3. Restart Apache

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